Why do I need Coaching?

The reasons to start a coaching can be diverse. Maybe you're facing a new challenge or you are in the middle of a crisis and don't know how to cope with it. Perhaps you would like to develop privately or professionally and don't know how to achieve your goal. Or you may find yourself in a conflict with yourself or someone else. Another reason may be that you may want to know more about your own behavior or that of others. Our life coaching sessions are individual coaching sessions concerning topics from your private daily life. Our business coaching sessions deal with topics that are related to your professional environment. These can be topics that affect a single person or multiple persons. The boundaries between life and business coaching can be fluid. We offer all our coaching sessions in both German and English.

In a first phone call, we are going to find out about and clarify your concerns. Afterwards, a personal meeting is useful. The first 60 minutes can serve as getting to know each other, which is not being charged if coach or client decide not to pursue during this session. If there are several participants in the context of a business coaching, the further approach will be discussed and planned with all parties involved.

The amount of hours depends on the complexity and scope of the request. We are talking about 2 – 10 sessions, whereas each session has a duration of 1.5 – 2 hours. If it is not yet possible to set a goal in the first session, we will approach it step by step in the following sessions. Face-to-face meetings take place with us in Munich or in Frankfurt. Of course, we are also happy to come to your premises within the framework of a business coaching. An online coaching is also possible on request.

The costs are agreed individually with the client or, in case of a cost absorption, with the company.


I feel stressed and don't know how to manage my job. I'm not getting done what I set out to do and I lack direction. I find myself in a team conflict and don't know how to resolve the situation. I can't manage my behavior the way I want to. I'm about to be promoted and don't know if I'm up to the new task. I have the feeling that I am not perceived the way I see myself. I can't manage to fulfil my role in the professional environment.


I feel stressed and don't know how to manage my daily routine. I find it difficult to accept myself. I'm not getting done what I set out to do and I lack direction. I have a conflict and find myself in the same messed up situation again and again. Even if I intend to do things differently, I always lose my nerves in certain situations. I feel limited by my beliefs and my environment. I don't manage to fulfill my role in the family and feel under pressure.


Are you unsure whether coaching is right for you? Contact us without obligation and let us find out what is right for your professional and/or personal development.

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