A non-functional or poorly organized HR department can have a negative impact on the company in many ways. This is not only reflected in lost time and high costs, but also in employee dissatisfaction. Are you just setting up your HR department? Or would you like to introduce a new sub-area, optimize or expand existing processes?

Of course, there is always the option of orienting yourself to existing or planned structures. However, if you wish, I will also be happy to support you in taking the next step into the working world of tomorrow.

Whatever your situation may be, my aim is to create a concept that suits your needs. To this end, I will be happy to take a look at the status quo and use my own HR expertise to make you tailor-made proposals for strategic HR management that will make you an attractive employer in today's "employee market". Of course, I will also be happy to accompany your individual project through to implementation if you wish.

The first step is to clarify your concerns in a phone call free of charge. This is possibly followed by a personal assessment at your company. The duration of the assignment varies depending on the complexity and scope of the request. Depending on your requirements, the project can be carried out at your company or remotely. The costs are agreed and invoiced individually on an hourly or daily basis.

Inefficient and ineffective processes and structures cost time and money. Are your HR processes and structures already up to date or do you have the impression that you still have to invest too much time in administrative activities? Do you already have an HR Information System that makes your HR work easier?

Let us find out together what your individual needs are in order to create transparency and simplify your processes and structures as much as possible. Learn how you can create capacities so that you can focus your performance on the important, value-adding activities and achieve enormous time and cost savings. If you decide to implement a new HR Information System or expand an existing system, I will be happy to support you with the selection, design and, if you wish, the implementation.

A lack of employee retention measures and the resulting dissatisfaction cost the company a lot of money. This ranges from a drop in performance and a high sickness rate to a high turnover rate and the associated high recruitment and training costs to replace employees who have left. This also means a high loss of expert knowledge.

What are you currently doing to retain your employees? How successful are you with this? Do your employees identify with your company? How is the cooperation within the team and between employees and managers? What is your feedback culture like? Do your employees feel sufficiently informed, involved and integrated? Do your employees feel valued? Do your employees have enough flexibility for a good work-life balance and the opportunity for further training and development? And do your employees feel well protected by the company? Do you have a fair remuneration structure? And what benefits do you offer your employees?

Perhaps you are also curious to find out what is behind the term "New Work" and what opportunities the modern working world offers through agile working, creating a culture of trust and much more. I will be happy to show you how modern approaches in particular can increase the motivation and innovation potential of your employees.

Let's find out together what you need to motivate your employees and thus achieve enormous cost savings. Strengthen your employer brand for existing and future employees, ensure greater customer satisfaction and thus competitiveness.


Every company has its own challenges and needs. That's why I offer you advice that is specifically tailored to your requirements. Let's talk about your needs and I'll work with you to develop solutions that will move your company forward.

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